Desert Today
Bertie Doe wrote:
> Dave I've got about 6 rhubarb crowns, the first flush is just about
> finished, but it will produce another crop soon. I'm hopeless at making
> pie-crust, so I prefer the rhubarb crumble version.
Pie crust is easy. If you know someone who is good at it get them to give you
a lesson. Once you learn how it really is easy, and fresh home made pie pastry
is pretty darned good.
> Wayne, in your recipe you refer to a 'double boiler' I wonder if they are
> what is known as a 'steamer' in the uk?
It mar be, depending on what you refer to as a steamer. If a steamer means a
solid pan or bowl sitting over steam, similar to a buffet style steam table or
steam tray. Over here a steamer is generally more like a colander that sits
inside a pot over boiling water to cook by steaming. A double boiler is a ban
or boil that fits over top a pot of boiling water. Most cookware ware
companies make at least one size of nesting pots for use as a double boiler,
but you can use a mixing bowl set into the top of a pot.