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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default Concentrated veg juice?

On Tue 03 Jun 2008 11:17:06a, jmcquown told us...

> Sheldon wrote:
>> On Jun 3, 12:03?am, "jmcquown" > wrote:
>>> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>>> On Mon 02 Jun 2008 03:29:07p, Arri London told us...
>>>>> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>>>>> On Mon 02 Jun 2008 10:30:47a, Ken told us...
>>>>>>> I've been on a vegetable juice kick recently but hate carrying
>>>>>>> those heavy bottles of mostly water home from the grocery. Does
>>>>>>> there exist concentrated veg juice - on the shelf or frozen?

>>>>>> V-8 used to produce a frozen concentrate. ?I don't know if they
>>>>>> still do. It might be worth asking at the supermarket.
>>>>> Hey thanks for the headsup! I too like veg juice but it's expensive
>>>>> in those large bottles and even more expensive in the little cans.
>>>>> Will have a look locally this week and see.
>>>> I am assuming they still make it, Arri. ?I know they once did as I
>>>> use to buy the concentrate. ?Hope you find it.
>>> I checked their web site and find no mention of this product being
>>> available. ?It probably wasn't as profitable as charging for the
>>> bottles and cans...

>> If one wants to take the time and make the effort
>> it's pretty easy to make one's own by processing the flavoring
>> ingredients with some water in a blender and then straining out the
>> fiberous parts

> One could always purchase the Jack LaLanne Power Juicer from the Home
> Shopping Network Infomercial
> Jill

Any good juicer will do, and are probably better than his product. During
tomato season, my parents used to make a tomato juice cocktail using a
juicer that they would pressure can in quart jars. We always had enough
for a year. My mother never used a recipe. I sure wish I could duplicate

Wayne Boatwright
Tuesday, 06(VI)/03(III)/08(MMVIII)
Cats must sit under the table and beg
for scraps while clawing at Grandma
Ethel's socks.