On Tue 03 Jun 2008 02:01:24p, Jean B. told us...
> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> I spent 43 winters in Ohio. I swore I would never spend another one
>> there. We moved for the climate, the job market, and a new perspective
>> on life.
>> The house and grounds we left were beautiful. Nothing negative about
>> them.
> Yeah, the winters... Can't say I like them, but we detest the heat, and
> I'm not about to become a snowbird (is that what they're called?). A
> moderate climate would be nice, but lots of folks think that.
Living here is rather like the reverse of living in your climate. As many
midwesterners and easterners spend much of their winter hours indoors, so
we do with the really hot summer hours. Early morning and evening are
quite enjoyable outside, even when the peak temperature of the day has been
Wayne Boatwright
Tuesday, 06(VI)/03(III)/08(MMVIII)
'Ever stop to think, and forget to
start again?'