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Blinky the Shark Blinky the Shark is offline
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Default So what else about Kansas City?

Andy wrote:

> Blinky the Shark said...
>> Andy wrote:
>>> So what else about Kansas City?
>>> We road tripped to Kearney to Jessie Jame's home where he was born and
>>> raised.
>>> Also stopped at Watkins Woolen Mill in Kearney.
>>> We then road tripped to Independence and visited the Truman Home,
>>> Courthouse, where I got to pick up Harry S. Truman's courtroom phone. I
>>> also stabbed at a cash register just outside the courtroom where (I
>>> guess) bail could be set at $999.99. But when I pulled the handle and
>>> it rang and the draw opened there was no money!

>> Colloquialism Sensors are fweep-fweeping at "the draw".
>> My grandmother (b. 1894) used to use "draw" for "drawer". She was
>> raised in the upper US midwest; she didn't have much schooling.

> Blinky,
> Well, duh, I meant drawer. I also meant Jessie James' which you missed. You
> need some schoolin' too!

Oh, it was a typo? Having heard "draw" used that way before, I didn't
read it that way.

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