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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default Pork Chop Question

On Wed 04 Jun 2008 08:04:35p, Dimitri told us...

> "Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
> 6.120...
>>I can take center cut pork chops from the same package, cook them by
>> different methods and get very different results, a puzzle I'd like to
>> solve. These are bone-in chops, typically 1/2-3/4" thick.
>> If I grill or broill them, they are often tough, but are not dry and do
>> not appear to overcooked. I usually either marinate them for an hour or
>> so, or use a dry rub, then rubbed with oil.
>> If I bread them and pan fry them, they are always tender and juicy.
>> What am I doing wrong?
>> TIA
>> --
>> Wayne Boatwright

> You are not doing anything wrong. The NEW white meat is too lean and
> usually pre-brined. Cooks Illustrated now recommends slow low heat
> cooking for most cuts and then browning at the very end.

Then that pretty much explains why my breaded pork chops turn out so tender
and juicy.

Thanks, Dimitri. I guess I'll steer clear of grilling them.

Occasionally I use double chops to make stuffed pork chops. I braise them
first and finish in the oven to brown. Those turn out well, too.

Wayne Boatwright
Wednesday, 06(VI)/04(IV)/08(MMVIII)
Let me control the world's oxygen
supply and I don't care who makes the laws.