Throw me in the briar patch - need to increase red wineconsumption...
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Throw me in the briar patch - need to increase red wine consumption...
"Paul Grieg" > a écrit dans le message de news:
| On Jun 5, 9:02 am, Peter Brooks > wrote:
| > Here's an interesting article from the Telegraph:
| > "
| > Red wine stops effects of high-fat diet
| > By Roger Highfield, Science Editor
| > Last Updated: 1:01am BST 04/06/2008
| >
| > Red wine does indeed explain why the French get away with a relatively
| > clean bill of heart health despite eating a diet loaded with saturated
| > fats, concludes a new study.
| The study looked at middle aged mice! You would have to do extended
| studies on the French before being able to come to this conclusion.
There have been rumours ref the alleged beneficial effects of red wine on the
health of the French for donkeys' years now, nothing new there. Mostly spread by
French males who particularly enjoy 'un petit rouge' whatever the time of day, I
reckon! But there are substantial differences in diet - I have to contest the
"loaded with saturated fats" French diet assertion - most kids for example eat
loads of vegetables, salads and fruit in comparison to the Brits, in my
| Maybe red wine is only good for mice. Maybe its variety of food and
| stress free lifestyle that is good for the French? Or the fact that
| they take philosophy seriously? Good weather? Or any of several other
| factors or combinations.
Stress-free... not so much these days. The gap's narrowing fast, but the French
concept of quality of life still includes considerable emphasis on taking time
to eat, to talk, to enjoy periods of leisure. Plus there is more emphasis on
physical fitness at school.
Philosophy? Not sure about that these days, but yes they take some issues very
seriously, and from a very early age too. I've seen 12 years olds waving banners
at the school gates during a strike against proposed cuts in recent weeks.
Good weather... south of a line between La Rochelle and Lyon perhaps, but we've
had a pretty awful May in the south of France this year ...
Still, in the light of this new research, I shall definitely be boosting my
Burgundy intake ;-)
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