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Nancy2 Nancy2 is offline
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Default Pork Chop Question

On Jun 4, 10:04 pm, "Dimitri" > wrote:
> "Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
> 6.120...
> >I can take center cut pork chops from the same package, cook them by
> > different methods and get very different results, a puzzle I'd like to
> > solve.
> > These are bone-in chops, typically 1/2-3/4" thick.

> > If I grill or broill them, they are often tough, but are not dry and do
> > not
> > appear to overcooked. I usually either marinate them for an hour or so, or
> > use a dry rub, then rubbed with oil.

> > If I bread them and pan fry them, they are always tender and juicy.

> > What am I doing wrong?

> > TIA

> > --
> > Wayne Boatwright

> You are not doing anything wrong. The NEW white meat is too lean and
> usually pre-brined. Cooks Illustrated now recommends slow low heat cooking
> for most cuts and then browning at the very end.
> --
> Old Scoundrel
> (AKA Dimitri)

Absolutely. Our major supermarket in this area sells nothing but
injected pork. I can find unadultered meat at a locker in a small
town, or at a Fareway supermarket (which are smaller and aren't open
on Sundays, but they have good meat).

Ask your supermarket meat counter person if the pork is injected. At
our major big supermarket, ALL the pork comes from Armour, and it is
all injected, even the stuff sitting out in the open in the butcher
case. If it already has all that salt, you don't want to brine it.
