On 2008-06-05, Dimitri > wrote:
> There is little question that red wine seems to have a great deal of health
> benefits. As a matter of fact I just finished a glass of a nice coastal
> zinfandel.
Oh man, yer killin' me!
> Good stuff, I think I'll pour another. Most of us are familiar with the
> "French Paradox" that being that the French have a high fat diet and do not
> seem to have a great deal of heart problems. I think I read someplace the
> French along with the Italiams seem to habe the highest wine consumption
> rates. Boy this zinfandel has a nice arona . I wonder if the pepper and
> blackberry I smell can be tasted. I think I'll see. Damn my glass in empty.
I now realize a lot of the French Paradox can be attributed to your
surroundings and general level of life stress. Not a lot of 2 hr per day
commutes for rural Frenchmen.
Since I've moved here to rural CO from the SFBA, I lessened my drinking, I
sleep longer and better and life is just generally improved. Even though I
was semi-retired in the SFBA, just driving to a town 8 miles over was a
nightmare in comparison to driving, here. Eight lane freeways, offramps,
6-lane-dozen-light intersections, overcrowded parking lots, asshole drivers,
rude in-a-hurry people, etc, made for a generally more suck life. I'm away
from all that now and my life is better for it.
> This zin is really nice
Zin is the king of reds, in my opinion. A good zin has all the smoothness and
complexity of a good cab, yet, like a good chianti classico, has the body
and chewiness to stand up to ANY food, no matter how rich. As an added
bonus, it can do all this and still have the punch to stomp your ass right
into the floor! I won't touch a zin running less than 14% abv. Great zins
will go 15-16%, no problem, without the juice overpowering the grape.
That's my one regret to being "out there". Lousy wine selection.
> Am I sure gladd drimking redd wine am good for is all.
Of course it is.