Throw me in the briar patch - Now a discussion on France
Diet. I think this depends on income. Those on limited incomes will
exist on whatever their local "Hard Discount" has to offer when they go
once a week, not everyone will have the opportunity to get to the local
markets (that thankfully still exist). There are plenty of companies
offering frozen food delivered to the door for those that don't have
time to go shopping
Healthy Stuff. Here in the Beaujolais we don't have crisps (chips in
colonialspeak) but we do have and are offered "saucisse", "jesus" and
grattons, all of which have slightly raised levels of fat that my Doctor
regulalrly warns me against.
Cakes etc. A French meal without patisserie being offered ?? Most
cafés/restaurants will offer you a biscuit or chocolate with your
coffee. The French love their sweet stuff.
The two things that make me realise that the French aren't all fixated
on the healthy good stuff are UHT Milk (bought by the 6 pack every 2
weeks) and Mousseline (Mashed potato lookalike that arrives in powered
form from a Rhone Poulenc factory near Marseilles)