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Blinky the Shark Blinky the Shark is offline
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Default Nonstick Skillet Score!

Stan Horwitz wrote:

> In article > ,
> "cybercat" > wrote:
>> I took everyone's word for it that cheap nonstick makes more sense than
>> expensive since the surface tends to deteriorate at the same rate in both.

> That hasn't been my experience. I find that middle of the road non-stick
> pans work best. Brands like Wearever are good. The cheap no-name brands
> wear out after just one or two uses and they don't conduct heat evenly.
> Spending gobs of money on a non-stick pan doesn't seem to buy anything
> more effective than moderate priced pans, so I go with the moderate
> priced ones.

I think the best values for most anything come not at the extremes of the
spectrum. One end provides crap. The other end provides good but too
much additional price for the name. In the middle is good but priced
without the designer name surcharge.

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