On 2008-06-04, Glenn Knickerbocker wrote:
> Adam Funk wrote:
>> (1) SAT-style:
>> treif : kosher :: X : halal ?
>> (II):
>> Are crustaceans not X?
> Does http://www.ifanca.org/newsletter/2002_09.htm have to do your
> homework for you?
Yes, thanks. So the answers a
(1) haram;
(B) a definite maybe.
>> Some have opined that anything, which can only live in water, is Halal
>> while creatures that can live in and out of the water are haram. The
>> latter would include crabs, turtles, frogs, etc.
> I'm not sure where this leaves giant space lobsters, capybaras, and
> candiru.
None of the shops around here sell any of those.
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