Huffy & Bubbles Do France - Day 2, Chartre, Chambord, Amboise
Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >,
> Terry Pulliam Burd > wrote:
>> On Tue, 03 Jun 2008 12:54:28 -0500, Melba's Jammin'
>> > fired up random neurons and synapses to
>> opine:
>>> In article >,
>>> "Giusi" > wrote:
>>>> If Paris is in your plans I have no hesitation in recommending
>>>> "L'Ambassade de'Auvergne" which is not very far from Place des
>>>> Vosges on the Arts et Metiers direction. The star dish I think is
>>>> the warm lentil salad big enough to serve the whole table and good
>>>> enough to recreate and share with the world. I did not liuke the
>>>> famous mashed potatoes with cheese, nor the pot au feu, but the
>>>> rest of the food was terrific and it wasn't expensive (for Paris.)
>>> Merci, madame. I will present the suggestion to my traveling companion.
>>> :-)
>> Erk! "Traveling companion"? Rob? I mean, inquiring minds want to
>> know...
>> Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd
> Yeah, him. Huffy/Grumpy. After my $5 euro 20 capuccino after dinner
> tonight, I'm not sure where I'll get him to go. We're doing okay
> together and we're already 5 days into 9. That's different.
Well, if your marriage can withstand the trials and tribulations of
traveling in foreign climes together it can withstand anything.
Miz Anne and I nearly divorced several times when we lived overseas for
five years. She wanted to go to every museum and art gallery on every
continent and I maintained that once we had looked at all the pictures
and statues of naked people there was nothing left worth seeing.
All the pictures taken on our last trip to France all show me sitting in
some sidewalk cafe smoking and drinking good coffee. All except the one
showing me flashing the statue of Eve in the Rodin garden. <BSEG>