Thread: Egg Grades
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Robert Klute[_2_] Robert Klute[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 283
Default Egg Grades

On Thu, 05 Jun 2008 11:52:56 -0700, Blinky the Shark
> wrote:

>... While
>this is a tiny sampling, I'm still wondering of there is something about
>jumbos that make them inherently Grade A. I don't care what I eat,
>between AA and A; this is just a curiosity thing.

Yolk Quality
Outline Slightly Defined - A yolk outline that is indistinctly indicated
and appears to blend into the surrounding white as the egg is
twirled.(AA Quality).

Outline Fairly Well Defined - A yolk outline that is discernible but not
clearly outlined as the egg is twirled.(A Quality).

White Quality
Firm - A white that is sufficiently thick or viscous to prevent the yolk
outline from being more than slightly defined or indistinctly indicated
when the egg is twirled. (AA Quality).

Reasonably Firm - A white that is somewhat less thick or viscous than a
firm white. A reasonably firm white permits the yolk to approach the
shell more closely, which results in a fairly well defined yolk outline
when the egg is twirled.(A Quality).