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cybercat cybercat is offline
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Default Dumbest restaurant decor

"Michael "Dog3"" > wrote in message
> Janet Baraclough >
> : in
>> The message 1>
>> from "Michael \"Dog3\"" > contains these words:
>>> Personally I just don't see why the governing bodies don't just leave
>>> it alone. Seriously, if a bar or restaurant wants to either allow or
>>> ban smoking, whose business is it? The non-smokers are free to go to
>>> the non- smoking restaurants and the smokers are free to go to the
>>> smoking establishments.

>> But employees in places where customers smoke, inhale that second
>> hand smoke all day long.

> They always have the option of working elsewhere. I don't believe all
> the second hand smoke stuff anyway. People have been breathing in second
> hand smoke in one way or another since fire was discovered.

And getting cancer. God but you are an idiot. I suspected it, now I know it

I smoked for 25 years. I LOVED my cigarettes. I had NO idea how bad
they smell until I quit. You walk around in a stench, forget the health
concerns. And the MONEY you waste.

Better you than me.