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Stef Stef is offline
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Default Meatballs recipes anyone?

Looks like you got some really great recipes already and I know this
is slightly OT since one assumed we were talking red meat but...

Salmon also makes great "meat" or fish balls.

Get a can of salmon, make sure all the skin and bones are out
add one egg
minced onion (I use green onion as well as white)
crushed Ritz cracker crumbs
a squeeze of fresh lemon juice
salt/pepper to taste.

make sure the mixture is formable into balls (not to crumbly and not
too wet). Mold into balls and either fry in olive oil or bake...less
time than ground beef or pork b/c tinned salmon is already cooked.

It's basically just like a fish cake only in ball form. It makes
great appetisers when made small with a dill or tartar sauce dip or
make larger and serve with pasta and a light lemon cream sauce.