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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Dumbest restaurant decor

Michael \"Dog3\" wrote:

> Like smoke won't travel 25 feet? Nothing cracks me up more than watching
> someone insisting upon a table by the street when dining on a patio in the
> city. They will immediately bitch about the cigarette smoke but gleefully
> inhale the fumes from the busses and automobiles stop and going at the
> corner stop sign.

One night we were taken out to dinner by a friend we were visiting. Her
boyfriend insisted on a table at the far end of the smoking area. Part way
through the meal he spotted someone lighting up on the far side of the
restaurant. He was whining and carrying on and going apoplectic within a
fraction of a second, much faster than the smell could ever reach him.

My bother went into a restaurant for breakfast, and sat in the smoking section
to have his coffee a cigarette and do his crossword. He was all by himself.
The restaurant was empty. A woman came in and, of all the empty tables in the
place, sits at the one next to him and started complaining about the smoke.

The worst I have seen was a woman who was standing near a friend of mine who
was having a cigarette outside. Rather than move a few feet. she complained
about his smoke. He moved more than 50 feet away from her. Before he had
finished his cigarette, she was standing a few feet away from him again.