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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Dumbest restaurant decor

Nancy Young wrote:

> "> The worst I have seen was a woman who was standing near a friend of mine
> > who
> > was having a cigarette outside. Rather than move a few feet. she
> > complained
> > about his smoke. He moved more than 50 feet away from her. Before he had
> > finished his cigarette, she was standing a few feet away from him again.

> Unfortunately for the polite smokers, there are a gazillion more stories
> about obnoxious and rude smokers. I don't feel sorry for them having
> to go elsewhere to smoke.

Those were matters of smokers being polite or impolite. In the first case, the
smoker was in the smoking section on the far side of the restaurant. my
friend's boyfriend's whining was more annoying than the smoke. We were more
than 100 feet away. The woman who complained about my brother had the whole
restaurant to sit in, but chose to sit next to the smoke .In the third case,
the woman who complained about my friend 's smoke had no reason to move right
up behind him after he moved. BTW... later on that night she was sitting around
a campfire inhaling wood smoke.

> Last night I went downstairs and Ron had South Park on, the subject
> being banning smoking. Funny stuff.
> nancy