Dumbest restaurant decor
Janet Baraclough said...
> The message 1>
> from "Michael \"Dog3\"" > contains these words:
>> Andy <q> : in rec.food.cooking
>> > I think the worst decor is the chairs that are stuck in place so you
>> > can't move them around to fit your position/size.
>> Can you draw me a picture of what you mean?
> Furniture that's screwed to the floor and can't be moved, like on
> board ship.
Right! Thanks,
> I'm really dense this morning
>> and I think I'm having a bad reaction to one of my new meds. I'm being
>> serious.
> Ah. In that case, you need to know some of your recent posts
> (yesterday) sounded a bit off the wall too. Not like your usual self.
> Janet