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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Swiss Chalet Chicken

donny wrote:

> Why are Swiss Chalet(done on rotisserie)much better than the
> rotisserie chicken you get at the supermarket(which are very bland
> btw)? Both used gas fired rotisserie ovens? The best rotisserie I
> ever had was in Edmonton at a restaurant that no longer exists. It
> was called 'The Rotisserie' and featured chicken done on the spit in a
> lump charcoal burning pit or oven as it were. They also had a chalet
> style dipping sauce. Why they went broke, I don't know. Their ribs
> were also outstanding. Slow smoked in a smoke/cooker for 5 hours.
> Smoked meat done on site as well.

I might dispute that. I occasionally buy rotisserie chickens at local
grocery stores and they are delicious, though they tend to get a little
soggy of they have been sitting around for a while. I try to get one fresh
out of the oven.

I would like to know why the fries are so much better at some Swiss Chalet
outlets that others. One of them near me is attached to a Harvey's and
their fries are good. There are two SCs in a nearby city. One of them has
crummy fries and the other has some of the best fries I have ever tasted.