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Steve Pope Steve Pope is offline
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Default A red wine for a white-wine drinker?

Felice > wrote:

>Does it exist? I've been drinking white for years and have never developed a
>taste for reds. But unless someone comes up with a white with resveratrol,
>I'd like to give red a go.

>Any suggestions?

If it's only the reservatols and terpenols you're after, you
can take grape supplements. I take two (Country Life Grape Complete,
which is pricey and but is made from grape skins as well as
seeds, and Trader Joe's Grape Seed Extract which is cheap
but doesn't have the skins).

For red wines, the ones with the most reservatol are made from
the Tannat grape, such as Madirans or Irouleguy's, so in theory
a small amount of these wines should do you as good as larger
amounts of randomly-selected red wines.

As for red wines that taste more like whites, there aren't
too many, but a Pinot Noir from Alsace might be closest.
(Off the top of my head, I'm sure there are others.)
