Mayonnaise with an immersion blender
"Melba's Jammin'" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> In article >,
> "Giusi" > wrote:
>> "Melba's Jammin'" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>> I've been a little disappointed with the
>> > flavor of the stuff I make with one egg and 1 cup oil and lime juice.
>> > FWIW.
>> > -Barb, from Bayeux.
>> But that's just the base, Barb! You can add any kind of seasonings you
>> please. I add a bit of garlic and paprika when making it for lobster,
>> for
>> ex. Tarragon is for chicken salad. Someone mentioned dill for salmon.
> Yes, yes, of course. My point was that I was given this recipe by a
> Frenchman and it was much lighter on oil than what I've done before.
> I'm eager to make it his way at least one time.
I too tend to listen closely and comply reasonably when French men ask
nicely. It is probably because my father was French... or maybe it's the