Thread: Egg Grades
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Blinky the Shark Blinky the Shark is offline
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Default Egg Grades

Robert Klute wrote:

> On Thu, 05 Jun 2008 18:29:40 -0700, Blinky the Shark >
> wrote:
>>I know. My question was "I'm still wondering if there is something about
>>jumbos that make them inherently Grade A", not "what are the
>>easily-Googleable differences between the rating characteristics.
>>Thanks for the effort, though.

> Ah, then my guess would be that Jumbo eggs are mor likely to have an air
> cell exceeding 1/8 inch in depth - the limit for Grade AA. Grade A eggs
> can have an air gap up to 3/16 inch.

That sounds like a possibility. Thanks.

> It takes about one week for Grade AA eggs to degrade to Grade A when
> properly stored, in the carton and in the refrigerator. It then takes
> another 5 weeks to degrade from Grade A to Grade B. Only the egg will
> slow the degradation.

I'm not sure what your last sentence means. Help?

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