Thread: red wine
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Giusi[_2_] Giusi[_2_] is offline
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Default red wine

"T" > ha scritto nel messaggio
. ..
> I was just reading an article about resveratrol. Apparently they did a
> double bling study with a bunch of mice and found that the mice given
> resveratrol could be fat and happy without any incidence of diabetes,
> liver problems, etc.
> The other part of the French Paradox is that wine in general is an
> alcoholic beverage, and alcohol is a neuro-suppresant.

You generally also see French people out and about, walking, meeting,
shopping and I can't think of any French person I know who spends much time
at the TV or doing video games. Of course there must be some, but the "life
in the place" and social interactions are still very strong there-- and