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Andy[_2_] Andy[_2_] is offline
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Default Dumbest restaurant decor

Edwin Pawlowski said...

> "Michael "Dog3"" > wrote in message
>> Exactly my point. Non-smokers are free to dine anywhere, drink anywhere
>> they please. No one is forcing a non-smoker into a smoke filled bar
>> anywhere that I know of. Edwin, you are beginning to sound like one of
>> the
>> reformed smoker preachers. Tell me it's not true
>> Michael

> At least somewhat true. Quit about 30 years ago. IMO, it is the
> dumbest and most wasteful thing you can do. I had tried to quit a few
> times and then seeing lungs from a smoker finally convinced me to stick
> with it and I kicked the habit.
> Food tastes better, other subtle fragrances are better, breathing is
> better. I'd never suggest outlawing smoking, but I'm certainly not going
> to support it.
> Ed


I gave up smokes on Sept 1st, 2004, 10AM after deciding I refuse to pay
$8/day for a two pack a day habit. Have saved $11,000.15 as of this moment. I
essentially quit for financial reasons.

I can smell the noxious odor of cig smoke 50' away.

Met my boss for lunch and he asked me if I'd quit smoking and I said I had
and why he'd asked and he replied I didn't smell it. Who knew I stunk?!?
Nobody told me!

Repainted the tar & nicotine brown stained interior of my house. What a

I only nag my #1 Bud to quit but he's a lost cause and chain smokes like a
chimney. Choked me out at the family reunion. The BUM!!!
