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Default Ballz of Chicken

Bald Spot > wrote in message >...
> Jonathan Ball wrote:
> > Here are a couple of other questions you evaded:
> >
> > Mr. Suspect:
> > >>>> Is an egg sentient?

> Here is simplified version of stupidity. Even though a chicken is raised up in
> torment from birth to death, somehow Mr Ball is not able to find the connection
> between the consumption of the eggs of the chicken that is tormented and the
> torment the chicken is subjected to.
> I am not a vegetarian or vegan. I eat meat and chicken. What I do not consume
> though, is abuse from assholes like Mr Ball who presumptively live life as though
> they are superior in spite of the fact that all feed back to him clearly
> indicates he is an inferior idiot.
> One need only observe in this one small part of one of his many posts. Mr Ball is
> hopeful that he can argue that eating eggs is not a contribution to suffering
> (when the chicken is not free-range) of millions of chickens.
> In his very limited and simplistic thinking he makes arguments time and again
> that are so backwards that his greatest hope is to exhaust is foes patience and
> claim that their failure to respond to his pecks is evidence that makes his
> argument correct.
> What he is not prepared for is people like me that are not here for subject
> matter found in the group title but to dine on morsel like him.

Even if you hadn't named Ball it would be easy from the description
to tell who you were writing about.

You nailed him exactly!
