Dumbest restaurant decor
Nancy Young said...
> "Andy" <q> wrote
>> Also in town at the state liquor store when I stop in, there are always
>> hundreds of cig butts right by the entrance. So I'd have to agree that
>> smoking and alcohol are related, though the employees manage to stay
>> during their shift.
> What's the deal? Where I worked they finally had to put out a memo,
> use the cigarette (thing) and quit leaving your butts all around on the
> sidewalk. Disgusting. Don't get me started about people who toss
> their cigarettes out the car window, or use the beach as a giant ash
> tray.
> nancy
Agreed. What's wrong with some people? Is the word "oblivious"? And I'll
one better ya. The filters don't decay. They'll be around for hundreds of