Substitute for Cardamom?
"notbob" > wrote in message
> On 2008-06-07, The Ranger > wrote:
>> You're wrong! WRONG! WRONG! WRONG!
> There is no sub for cardamom, believe me. The net can tell
> you
> toothpaste is a substitute for peanutbutter, but that don't
> make it
> so. BTW, if you've ever smelled fresh hing, you'd know that
> can sub for that stuff (cept maybe rotting corpses. Just a
> guess.).
> nb
A few non-English names are in agreement with your opinion of
the smell of hing. From Gernot Katzer: "Some very picturesque
names (German Teufelsdreck, French merde du diable, Czech
certovo lejno, Swedish dyvelsträck and Turkish seytan tersi),
all meaning more or less politely "dung of devil", exemplify the
small enthusiasm this unusual spice meets outside the regions of
its traditional usage."
Jim Silverton
Potomac, Maryland