Dumbest restaurant decor
On Sat, 7 Jun 2008 17:54:27 +0100, Janet Baraclough
> fired up random neurons and synapses to
> I don't permit guests to smoke; but what has surprised me
>considerably, is how many smoking guests say they are grateful for a few
>days break from it. Because they are outside their normal life , away
>from smoking friends, many of the social smoking cues are missing and
>those that do occur, such as on waking, after breakfast, watching tv,
>are damped down by the knowledge they can't do it here.
I quit smoking 16 years ago when we went to visit my in-laws for
Christmas and I knew I wouldn't have much of an opportunity to light
up while there. So, I quit. Cold turkey. Best thing I ever did for
myself, but I wish I hadn't subjected my family to it for all those
years. Didn't realize until I quit just how gawdawful a smoker stinks
*and* stinks up the place, although you'd think I'd have gotten a
ticket for the clue bus when my kids hung out the back window of the
station wagon, prefering car exhaust to cigarette smoke.
When my mother came to visit, I wouldn't let her smoke in the house
and she was mad as hops that I'd make "your own mother" go outside on
the deck to smoke. She's been dead since '99 of emphysema and Dad died
in '94 of lung cancer. Guess a house had to fall on me before I quit.
Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd
"Some weasel took the cork out of my lunch!"
-- W.C. Fields