Thread: Cheesecake Plea
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Janet Wilder[_1_] Janet Wilder[_1_] is offline
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Default Cheesecake Plea

sf wrote:
> On Fri, 6 Jun 2008 09:09:43 +0200, "Giusi" >
> wrote:
>> It is Sicilian and called Ricotta al Forno, or baked ricotta.

> is this lightened up with egg whites?

I have had this bookmarked for a while.

This is the unhelpful translation courtesy of

Ingredients for one cassata for 6 - 8 persons:
500 gr. of annealed fresh it vaccinates
150 gr. of sugar
4 eggs
100 gr. of candita orange
100 gr. of canditi
150 gr. of chocolate fusing in flakes
150 gr of uvetta
75 gr. of pistachio nuts trita
to you cinnamon
In order to prepare the cassata one you will have need of a sieve or a
colapasta to rather small holes. Passages to the sieve or the strainer
the annealed one in order to render it and more cremosa homogenous,
while you blink 2 eggs with the sugar until that you will not obtain one
rather clear cream, unitele to the annealed one adding gradually to
coverallses the ingredients, cioé: the uvetta, the canditi ones, the
rind of candita orange, the pistachio nuts and the chocolate, turns the
obtained paste and dusts it to you with the cinnamon, continued to turn
while you will carry the furnace to 145 degrees.
Once caught up the temperature, imburrae a stamp and put into an oven
for 30 minuteren.

If anyone can give me a better translation, I'd like to try this cake,I
think. I am hoping to get past the blinking eggs.

Texas Janet, still laughing..
Janet Wilder
Bad spelling. Bad punctuation
Good Friends. Good Life