OT Very, Scary Experience
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OT Very, Scary Experience
In article >,
> On Sat, 07 Jun 2008 18:32:45 -0700, Terry Pulliam Burd
> > wrote:
> >El Jefe and I had a meeting with a LA city councilman and were
> >driving there after lunch with our 2 clients on Thursday.
> snip
> >Very nice ladies in the Quiznos. One of them must have noticed that I
> >looked distressed and asked if I was okay. I explained what was
> >happening. She brought me a cup of ice water and some napkins, then
> >kept me up to date, saying, "He's still there" over and over. I left
> >them a $20 tip when the boss and I left. The guy was still there and
> >either asleep or faking it.
> >
> ><shrug> I f*cking hate LA.
> >
> >Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd
> I am so sorry you had such a rough time of it. That is really spooky.
> Thanks goodness for cell phones and Quiznos.
> There are nutcases all over, though, I was born and raised in Detroit,
> spent a lot of time living in Manhattan and am now in the suburbs.
> Crazy stuff happens in the burbs, too, except in the burbs, there
> aren't the crowds around to give you any cover.
> Boron
I try explaining that to Keyron sometimes. Providence only has about
175,000 people in it but the hinky shit happens all the time.
Just the other day I'm walking down Atwells Ave. and about to cross over
the RI-6/10 bridge. On this bridge there are big green girders that
separate the roadway from the sidewalk.
On the opposite side of the bridge there's a guy doing his girl doggie
I often see stuff like this. Maybe it's because I'm more attuned to it.
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