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blake murphy[_2_] blake murphy[_2_] is offline
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Default Dumbest restaurant decor

On Sat, 07 Jun 2008 08:32:42 -0700, sf <.> wrote:

>On Sat, 07 Jun 2008 14:09:46 GMT, blake murphy
> wrote:
>>at times i wouldn't be kidding. bitching about having to 'run a
>>gauntlet' of smokers by the door? unless they're holding you down and
>>giving you shotgun tokes, i think you'll survive.

>You tried to make it into a joke, but it's not funny. By passing
>through a fog of cigarette smoke, a non smoker is literally bathed in
>it and the smell doesn't go away. Non smokers don't like the smell of
>cigarette smoke, and they don't want to wear someone else's second
>hand smoke for the rest of the day/evening. Smokers also add to dry
>cleaning bills because non smokers want that smell gone, not hanging
>around in the closet.

it's outside, for god's sake, not in a pressurized chamber.

your pal,