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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default Dumbest restaurant decor

On Sun 08 Jun 2008 07:30:38a, Giusi told us...

> "Michael "Dog3"" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> . ..
>> sf <.> : in
>>> Yes, it's all about me and my self preservation. At least we're not
>>> starting fires or littering our environment with our cast off
>>> cigarette butts.

>> No but... my bitching people blabbing on a cell phone in the car while
>> weaving is all about me and my self preservation. Bitching about
>> unruly, snot nosed kids who don't give a crap about anyone else is
>> about self preservation.
>>> The worst flight I ever took was when the airlines still had a smoking
>>> section (and the same poor ventilation they have today). I was
>>> assigned a seat the row in front of two cigar smokers and there was no
>>> place to move (I asked). After being stuck on that plane for a cross
>>> country flight, I emerged looking green and feeling like I had the flu
>>> - I was actually barfing. It took me more than 24 hours to feel
>>> better.

>> I'm all for banning smoking in flights, office buildings and other
>> public places. As a smoker I'll allow that it stinks up and inside
>> place. I can't see banning it in bars... at all. The outside doesn't
>> belong to just non-smokers.
>> Michael

> You know, I thought I was one of the more mature people here, but as
> hard as I try I can not remember a time when smoking cigars or pipes was
> EVER allowed on a flight. AAMOF, I recall that it was specifically
> stated that the smoking area was strictly for cigarettes and pipes or
> cigars were not permitted.

That's what I recall, too, Giusi. In fact, many restaurants used to have a
discrete comment on the menus that cigarettes were acceptable but cigar and
pipe smoking was not.

> Now maybe if you go back to cloth covered biplane beginnings of aviation
> it's different.

Wayne Boatwright
Sunday, 06(VI)/08(VIII)/08(MMVIII)
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