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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 3,971
Default Dumbest restaurant decor

On Sun 08 Jun 2008 07:31:06a, blake murphy told us...


> But while herbal smoke generally doesn't linger on the audience as
> much as the tobacco equivalent, theater staff admit that some audience
> members see it as an intrusion from a less socially aware time.

Social awareness, social sensitivity, social bias, and self-entitlement are
nothing more than a crock of bullshit when it cannot be afforded to and
applied to everyone. Personal freedoms of every ilk are disappearing in
this country by the day.

It is, indeed, a very sad state of affairs.

There is absolutely no reason why accomodations cannot be made for

I was recently in a restaurant that had a section where cell phones and
pagers were strictly prohibited, and another section where they were
permitted. I sat in the prohibited section, and was positively gleeful
when a woman received a call on her cell phone, and was quickly asked to
move to the other section of the restaurant.

Wayne Boatwright
Sunday, 06(VI)/08(VIII)/08(MMVIII)
This country needs more unemployed