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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default Pasta maker score!

On Sun 08 Jun 2008 10:44:03a, Christine Dabney told us...

> On Sun, 08 Jun 2008 07:04:51 -0700, sf <.> wrote:
>>Only if it has gold trim.

> It does.
> Christine

Then it absolutely must not go in the diswasher.

One caveat, however. If I have a lot of my mother's china to wash. I wash
thoroughly and lightly rinse by hand, but I do put it in the dishwasher and
run it through with no detergent. This insure that they are scrupulously
rinsed and dried. It's the detergent that eats the gold.

I read somewhere that hand washing and drying actually can put you more at
risk for breakage than in a *properly* loaded dishwasher.

Speaking of loading dishwashers, I won't let David load ours. If he
happens to, I make sure that I rearrange what he put in it before the cycle
is run. Far too many people load (or overload) in such a manner that items
risk being either scratched or broken. I'm a pro at loading. :-)

Wayne Boatwright
Sunday, 06(VI)/08(VIII)/08(MMVIII)
URA Redneck if your bother-in-law is
also your uncle.