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Miche[_3_] Miche[_3_] is offline
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Default Where's the peanut oil?

In article >,
Cuthbert Thistlethwaite > wrote:

> > The only reason I don't use it is that I occasionally cook for a friend
> > who is allergic to peanuts, and I don't want to make her sick by
> > accidentally using the wrong kind of oil.

> I have that allergy too and it's a very dangerous, strong reaction.
> A great many allergies are reactions to proteins, however, not to oils,
> fats, etc.

All I know is that she's asked me not to cook with peanut oil because it
makes her sick, so I don't.

> A long time ago I established that I am not allergic to peanut oil
> because it's oil from the peanut, not the protein, and saved myself lots
> of needless anxiety, as well as got access really good fried things.
> Allergies are very specific to persons, and I have no idea whether this
> distinction applies to your friend, but if it does, it will be a big
> help for her.

It doesn't, but thank you for playing.


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