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Steve Pope Steve Pope is offline
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Default Huffy & Bubbles Do France - Day 2, Chartre, Chambord, Amboise

Janet Wilder > wrote:

> I'm going to Europe in the Fall and would sure like to have
> my own WiFi enabled gizmo with a word processor on it. My
> laptop is old and heavy, though and I don't know much about
> small substitutes.

I'm very happy with my Thinkpad X61S, which I took on a
European trip earlier this year, but if I had to make the
purchase now I'd take a strong look at the MSI Wind which
at $550 is about half the price, and goes on-sale Mid-July
(including at Costco). Both computers weigh about 2.5 lbs,
and they have similar size keyboards (near-full-size) but
the MSI has a smaller display.

A disclaimer that I haven't seen the MSI, since it hasn't
hit the stores yet. But the reviews are good.
