Fruit sugar and tea
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The Cook
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Fruit sugar and tea
On Mon, 09 Jun 2008 14:10:35 GMT,
>In article >, "Michael \"Dog3\"" > wrote:
>>metspitzer > news
>> in
>>> I have started drinking more water and eating fruit. My favorite
>>> fruit as long as it lasts is pineapple. (canned)
>>> The label says 10g sugar.
>>> I eat the fruit and pour out the juice.
>>> I am thinking about making some decaf tea and using the juice to
>>> sweeten a glass of tea.
>>> Anyone think that would be good?
>>Hmmm... I've never tried it with pineapple before but the juice of the
>>pineapple is good for lots of stuff so I don't see why it wouldn't be good
>>in iced tea.
>I'm curious to know whether there's more than a drop or two of
>true pineapple juice in canned pineapple (and that probably there by
>accident, or loss of "quality" control
>I'll try to remember to check the ingredients here next time I'm in
>the supermarket. In the meantime, what do your brands say about it?
>Cheers, Phred.
My can of Dole pineapple slices says that the ingredients a
pineapple, pineapple juice and citric acid.
Susan N.
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The Cook
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