hahabogus > wrote in
> sf <.> wrote in :
>> On Mon, 09 Jun 2008 05:51:14 GMT, hahabogus >
>> wrote:
>>>sf <.> wrote in news
>>>> On Mon, 09 Jun 2008 05:30:02 GMT, hahabogus >
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>Well I ain't a good olde-fashion American....I'm Canadian so I'll
>>>>>beer and cheesify buiscut ifin I want to....The beaver told me to
>>>>>say that.
>>>> I like your ideas, Alan. Got a recipe for those beer biscuits?
>>>> I've made beer bread, but never beer biscuits.
>>>Get a copycat recipe for red lobster cheese biscuts ...replace water
>>>with flat beer.
>> Roger Wilco, TY. Have you ever tried making them without the added
>> cheese. It always amazes me how much beer bread tastes like cheese,
>> not beer.
> several years ago. While the big game on campus was homemade gifts. I
> recieved several beer bottles with the dry ingredients for beer bread.
> The instructions on the lable gave making and baking instructions.
> Plus a mess of optional qualifiers.
Sorry I was attacked by a cat and pressed send now in error and surprise.
The qualifiers were things such as shredded cheese, jalapeno, bacon
etc... So I made it using the cheese and jalapeno optional add-ons. Which
turned out really tasty. I didn't used much jalepeno as I didn't want it
to over power.
By now you're asking what this has to do with biscuts...I liked the bread
so much I followed a copycat red lobster recipe for cheese biscuts and
replace the water for flat beer, The recipe is/was on the back of Bisquit
<sp> that boxed biscuit, pancake, baking mix. I found most any combo
biscuit, pancake, baking boxed mix works about the same. Excepting I
didn't add just plain old cheddar, I added a blend of sharp cheddar,
asegio <sp> and parm cheeses. With or without a bit of mince jalapeno
these work out great.
The house of the burning beet-Alan