BBQ Sauce Recipe
After serious thinking Paul the Q noob wrote :
> I am currently searchin' the 'net for some homemade bbq sauce recipes,
> and found some that use catsup. I don't wanna use anything like catsup
> because I want to do this all from scratch. (especially to cut out all
> that high fructose corn syrup crap for my 1 year old)
> In place of catsup, do I use tomato paste or dilute the tomato paste
> with something like water?
> In the meantime, if anyone has any delicious yet simple bbq sauce
> recipes I'd appreciate it. I'll follow up with any I find for
> thoughts.
> Thanks,
> Paul
You might look for one with raisins and tomatoes in place of catsup.
You still need to add some vinegar in my opinion.