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Posts: 335
Default OT Very, Scary Experience

On Mon, 09 Jun 2008 10:41:43 -0500, Kathleen
> wrote:

>Glad it worked out for you without escalating into a physical
>confrontation. I try to pay attention to what's going on around me and
>not let strange people get too close. Locally, the IPOD and headphones
>thing strikes me as particularly idiotic. The fact that you're
>exercising doesn't excuse you from maintaining some awareness of your
>surroundings. If you're going to deafen yourself at least keep a
>heads-up posture - for god's sake, don't stump along staring at your feet.

Congratulations again!

Yes I totally agree especially idiotic to be biking along with ear
phones! I see a person do that several times a week- along our little
highway. I honestly think "Death Wish".

I once read in the New Yorker about people walking through a hard part
of DC. It may have been an experiment, but what I took away form the
story was that, walk along as if you own the place --not sashaying or
anything. Shoulders up, head up etc.

Thanks again Kathleen.

Wishing you the best always

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