Thread: Carpaccio
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Victor Sack[_1_] Victor Sack[_1_] is offline
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Default Carpaccio

Melba's Jammin' > wrote:

> We
> returned from dinner tonight at a neighborhood place ‹ a small
> restaurant/cafe/brasserie (what's the difference between a café and a
> brasserie?).

A café is open all day long and serves coffee, other beverages,
including alcoholic ones, breakfast and snacks. Many but not all cafés
serve full meals at meal times, with usually a small selection of
dishes. In a café, you can order a cup of coffee and sit there
indefinitely without being rushed. This won't be looked upon kindly in
most other establishments.

A brasserie (literally brewery) is a beer hall, usually large, bright
and boisterous. Most brasseries are of Alsatian origin and many have
Alsatian owners. Most are located in large cities, overwhelmingly in
Paris. They serve beer, Alsatian and other wines, etc. They are open
for lunch and dinner, serving at least some Alsatian dishes and many
other ones as well, and usually close later than most places.

> I can't wait to get home

