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Doctor Balz
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Default Questions and an appalling, gutless lack of answers

Jonathan Ball wrote:

> "Jahnu" wrote:
> >
> > Jonathan Ball wrote:
> > <"First, the grain fed to livestock is generally not considered edible by
> > humans. "
> >
> > I personally have explained to Mr Ball 3 times now that resources invested in
> > grains that cattle consume is resources wasted that could have been used to
> > grow human consumable grain. For some odd reason (he can't stand to lose and
> > argument) this simple concept just won't sink in!

> Finally, you drift slightly away from the pure personal
> invective, and at least attempt to address some
> substance. Unfortunately, you get it utterly wrong.
> First of all, *I* am the one who explained that it is
> the resources used to grow the grain for cattle that
> are important, not the grain itself. Not you, blowjob;
> I explained it.
> Secondly, you haven't explained WHY those resources
> were used to grow cattle feed, rather than human food.
> Why do you suppose that is, blowjob?
> Third, you haven't explained how it is that there
> ALREADY are massive surpluses of human edible grains
> and other food, in Europe and North America, and yet
> still there are "starving" people in the world. How is
> that, blowjob?
> You don't know economics and politics, blowjob; I do.
> The issue of "starving" people in the world has NOTHING
> to do with the production of livestock feed, blowjob;
> nothing whatever to do with it.
> Get your ignorant pimply ass into a good community
> college somewhere, blowjob.
> You still haven't explained why you've switched from
> "Jahnu" through at least half a dozen other ****witted
> pseudonyms in the last two weeks, blowjob.

What you've done here is identical to the arguments found in the bible newsgroups.
You simply make claims and outright lies and submit it as a response when you are
hopelessly making an ass out of yourself. You consistently argue that grain fed to
live stock is not fit for human consumption and I keep telling you that the point
of argument is that resources used to grow grain for cattle can at any time be
stopped and switched to human use grain. You never pointed this out and I challenge
you to show where (it will not happen).

Starving people is not the point, the point is what is the most efficient way to
feed 6 billion plus human beings? Meat or plant? You are not sufficiently educated
to be in this argument and are here only (as you have confessed) to deal with
sanctimonious educated liberals that want to force you to wear motorcycle a helmet
and make you pay your own medical bills when you get lung cancer from smoking. I
imagine you feel like you are the voice of every backwater Bubba that didn't trash
pick a computer and get online for himself! You are joke!