Questions and an appalling, gutless lack of answers
"Goonius" > wrote in message
> - Estimated area of rainforest destroyed annually: 125,000 square
> miles
> - The driving force behind the destruction of the tropical
> rainforests: American meat habit
> - Amount of meat imported annually by U.S. from Costa Rica, El
> Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras and Panama: 200,000,000
> pounds
Here. I'll help you with a little real comparisons, the total amount is far
more than that...
the US imports 2.5 billion pounds of beef That's alot, right?
we also import 2.9 billion pounds of coffee. ummmm
so, beef imports accounts for only a small percentage of beef in the US, but
coffeee imports are almost 100%.
Guess you'd better revist your ignorant spew, and start looking at the total
picture, eh killer?
Here's another little rainforest country tidbit from Argentina.
beef exports, 800,000 tons.
soy oil exports 3.5 million tons
better get back to the books and read instead of spew the typical lys and