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aem aem is offline
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Default (2008-06-08) NS-RFC: Bacon

On Jun 9, 10:51*am, Kate Connally > wrote:
> When I first read the question I thought it was
> going to be about whether you like your bacon
> crisp or soft or something else. *I don't think
> it matters what method you use to cook it as much
> as the end result. *

I think it depends on the quantity you're making. Pan frying gives
you the most control, but using the oven or broiler is more efficient
if you're cooking a large quantity.

>I chose pan-fried, just because
> I've always done it that way and don't want to bother
> learning to do it in the oven or microwave or whatever.
> Besides, I save the bacon grease and always use it to
> cook my eggs or french toast or pancakes or potatoes,
> etc. in after I fry the bacon! *Can't do that if you
> do it in the microwave or oven. *Sheesh!

Bacon grease is also a good addition to the oil you fry chicken in.

I use a combination method for an ordinary morning. (mcinl, natch) I
put 4 slices of bacon between paper towels and zap for a minute, then
put it in the pan and fry it. The preliminary zapping facilitates
separating the pieces and also eliminates any tendency for them to
curl in the pan. The pan can be heating while the bacon is in the
microwave. -aem