Where's the peanut oil?
On Mon, 09 Jun 2008 18:08:11 GMT, blake murphy
> wrote:
>On Sun, 08 Jun 2008 21:44:38 -0500, Janet Wilder
> wrote:
>>>> If you live in an area where people fry turkeys, it's quite easy to find
>>>> gallon jugs of peanut oil. Even WalMart carries it. You might check the
>>>> sporting goods section of one of the discount chains like WalMart or
>>>> K-Mart. Academy Sporting Goods has it, too.
>>>> --
>>>> Janet Wilder
>janet, both you and sw mentioned it's found at sporting goods stores.
>is this because they also sell the turkey friers?
Yes. Shoot the turkey and then fry it. They also sell smokers and
other outdoor cooking tools. Jerky kits are sold there for deer
hunters. Even if one doesn't make deer jerkey, beef jerkey is popular
with hunters to carry for a snack while they're hiding and waiting for
something to shoot to prove manhood.