Thread: Fat Sweet
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cybercat cybercat is offline
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Default Fat Sweet

"Cindy Hamilton" > wrote in message
On Jun 9, 1:46 pm, "cybercat" > wrote:
> blueberries and cold whole yogurt.
> It's not cooking, but it's good on a 100+ degree day.

>It was only 90-something yesterday, so I roasted a whole turkey
>breast on the grill. While the turkey rested, I put on a pan of
>bread dressing to heat up.

This sounds totally delicious.

>I'll admit, it was weird eating turkey and dressing, but after
>skulking around in the air-conditioning all day, it wasn't as bad as it

Doesn't seem bad to me at all. I made a big pot of vegetable beef SOUP
over weekend, and that really isn't "hot weather food," but we loved it.

>Plus, I've got leftovers for constructing salads (turkey on romaine
>with balsamic vinaigrette and if I'm feeling decadent some crumbled bacon)
>and sandwiches (turkey on white or whole wheat with butter and lettuce).

>Actually, it occurs to me that I bought a turkey sandwich recently
>that had ranch dressing and sliced cucumber. It was surprisingly good.
>Maybe I'll get some buttermilk.

I think using the grill is a great idea, especially when you wind up with
meat for cold sandwiches afterward. My husband doesn't grill, so I guess
it's up to me to fire it up.