Tomato problems (Recall)
On Jun 9, 11:55*am, "Dimitri" > wrote:
> I doubt very highly if this is a genetic problem as its related to
> salmonella.
> I asked my local store if their salad tomatoes were local - they said the
> heirloom were but the salad ones were from Mexico - hint- hint.
> I have no idea the cause. *I called my local store and threw away 4 *nice
> ones. *Well so much for the BLT'S planned for tonight. *:-(
I know two people who have gotten sick from salads in the last week or
two, and they both think it was the tomatoes. Their illnesses were
worse than food poisoning, by lasting several days of throwing up and
diarrhea, but not enough to go to the doctor. One got a salad at
Chili's in MountainView, the second was Carl's Jr. fast food burger.