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BoboBonobo BoboBonobo is offline
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Posts: 81
Default Meatballs recipes anyone?

Nancy2 wrote:
> On Jun 6, 9:08 pm, wrote:
>> On Fri, 6 Jun 2008 12:50:08 -0700 (PDT), Nancy2
>> > wrote:
>>> On Jun 6, 2:05 pm, (Steve Pope) wrote:
>>>> Just a few random opinions: in a meatball sandwich, I *want*
>>>> the meatballs to be spherical. For meatballs with pasta,
>>>> I bake the meatballs beforehand and then add them to the sauce
>>>> close to the end. I also don't see much point of adding
>>>> breadcrumbs to the meatballs (they stay together fine without
>>>> it, and there is already a starch component in the finished
>>>> dish whether it be sandwich or pasta). Although, a possible
>>>> reason to add breadcrumbs is if you want to not lose any
>>>> food value from the draining-away hamburger grease. (Typically
>>>> I'd rather have it drain off, but it is wasted.)
>>>> Steve
>>> The soaked bread just helps with the sticking together - there isn't
>>> enough of it that you even know it's in there.
>>> As to round vs. square - YMMV, like always. I like the efficiency of
>>> making square ones vs. hand rolling individual round ones, plus I like
>>> the stability of squares. They are certainly much easier for the
>>> grandkids to maneuver.
>>> N.

>> Nancy,
>> If you have meat squares, how are the grandkids ever going to be able
>> to sing the "on top of spaghetti" song? ;-)
>> koko

> You know, that's a very good question, and a consequence I hadn't
> thought of. Damn, there's a point against the squares. LOL.

The cubical ones have the advantage of greater surface area to volume
ratio, and are easier to brown. They're harder to make though.

Very lean ground beef, a small amount of crushed fat free crackers, some
olive oil. Panfry in a little peanut oil.

Simmer in a sauce of tomato paste, water and bay leaf.

Serve over vermicelli or capellini. I also like mushrooms sauteed in
butter, and black olives added. I wish there was time to make that for
dinner tonight.
> N.
