blake murphy wrote:
> On Sun, 08 Jun 2008 21:44:38 -0500, Janet Wilder >
> wrote:
>>>> If you live in an area where people fry turkeys, it's quite easy to
>>>> find gallon jugs of peanut oil. Even WalMart carries it. You might
>>>> check the sporting goods section of one of the discount chains like
>>>> WalMart or K-Mart. Academy Sporting Goods has it, too.
>>>> --
>>>> Janet Wilder
> janet, both you and sw mentioned it's found at sporting goods stores. is
> this because they also sell the turkey friers? in the back of my mind,
> i'm thinking neat's-foot oil or something.
neats = cattle
Meanwhile, Cabela's (outfitters) even sells peanut (although they do say
you can use other oils) oil filters, as noted here on a turkey-frying page
from their site. .shtml
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