Dimitri wrote:
> http://permianbasin360.com/content/fulltext/?cid=5596
> Tomato Warnings Go Nationwide
> Reported by: Stefanie Jay
> Sunday, Jun 8, 2008 @11:38pm CST
> Tomato warnings go nationwide. Salmonella outbreaks spread to 16 states!
> Federal authorities say large tomatoes, including roma and round red,
> are to blame. Their studies show cherry and grape tomatoes should be
> safe to eat. The number of confirmed salmonella cases in the lone star
> state that are connected to tomatoes has grown to 56!
> << Back
It's bee in our local way-the-heck-south Texas papers for over a week.
IIRC, the directives are to boil the raw tomatoes for 15 seconds before
Luckily I have a neighbor who is also a good friend and supplies me with
both slicing and cherry tomatoes from his garden.
I picked up 4 gorgeous avodcaos in Mexico this afternoon and made
quacamole as a side dish for a rib-eye dinner.
Janet Wilder
Bad spelling. Bad punctuation
Good Friends. Good Life